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woolsocksandsandals t1_j5ybd9w wrote

NH doesn’t have income or sales tax and there’s less regulation on polluters.


ghostlyone t1_j5ycfsr wrote

No sales tax but plenty of registration fees. I sure don't feel free every year my car registration comes due. And the property taxes....i always free or die, and no legal weed, meanwhile every state bordering us has legal weed. Makes sense, right?


woolsocksandsandals t1_j5yee8p wrote

You ain’t lying. My property taxes and vehicle registrations are oppressively expensive but as a family we save 3-4% of our income living in NH vs. living in Vermont (edit: just by not paying state income tax). I’d love to move back to my home state but I live about 1,000 feet from the Connecticut River and I can see Vermont from my front yard so I’ll take it.