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faceswithfires t1_j5v7clw wrote

Wasn't aware of his Brady letter, and the fact that nearly half the department has one as well. Fuck this guy.


jteedubs t1_j5w1yil wrote

3 of 7 cops, I’m guessing the other 4 under this chief will shortly show their true colors…… It’s a shame

Up the road in Montpelier, the police force has been paying an officer for over a year to not work while he awaits trial for misuse of sick time.

Not all police are bad, but a fuck ton surely are and the others protect the bad ones.


TheTowerBard t1_j5yczh3 wrote

Those others that protect the bad ones are worse. I know cops, I’d like to think some of them are good people, but the reality is they’re the largest criminal gang in our country right now. That will only change when they stop protecting the bad ones.