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MaKrukLive t1_j6xa4nv wrote

>I am not denying he did not do cam business but whatever his course video you talking about he clearly said it was about 10 years ago not currently he is doing it

I don't know when did or didn't he stop doing it. He described he was doing sex trafficking. I'm judging him based on that. I don't know if he kept doing it, I will know once his trial is done.

>And how do you know he used them in the pretext of "friends/lovers", neither are you in his inner circle neither there is any footage anywhere which proves he used them. You are just saying that on the basis he said he used to do cam business before

Again, he described how he ran his camgirl business. I'm just taking his word for it.

>The cam business is years old news so I don't know what exploitation you are talking about, and if the girls were exploited no girl would stick around its simple logic nobody can manage a business being "friend or lover" thats just senseless talk.

I don't know how long a crime of sex trafficking needs to expire in Romania. He admitted to sex trafficking in the past. He also admitted to lying to his girls about profits and giving them only a small share. Also deceiving them into believing they won't make it without him. That's why they stayed

>So exploitation is illegal, but the consent of the girls is irrelevant that just answers how flawed the Romanian Law is,

No it's not. The worst kind of exploitation and sexual exploitation happens when you mindfuck the victim into thinking they need their abuser. Same reason why abused wives don't leave their husbands. You just need to read up a little on the subject.

> I can name 50 countries who would have granted bail to them till not providing concrete proof,

This is the country tate specifically chose for the legal system.

> all in all nothing is proved yet and i am keeping an unbiased opinion till the end, hope you do too and not base it on his past controversial remarks.

I judge him not based on his "controversial remarks" and stupid shit about masculinity that I disagree with, I judge him purely based on what he himself described he has done.

It is beyond me why so many of you get behind a guy who admitted to being proud of getting rich by exploiting women and scamming men. Your local garbage man is a better role model.


Superb-Win6059 OP t1_j6xd98e wrote

>I don't know when did or didn't he stop doing it. He described he was doing sex trafficking. I'm judging him based on that. I don't know if he kept doing it, I will know once his trial is done.

You are confused between cam business and sex trafficking my friend those are two separate thing, and he did say he did cam business as side gig during his ufc gig which he has stopped long since, and if you are judging him from then that is not an unbiased judgement

>Again, he described how he ran his camgirl business. I'm just taking his word for it.

Even if he did say that he also said he was young and made mistakes at the time which he had the balls to openly say it and has stopped it.

>I don't know how long a crime of sex trafficking needs to expire in Romania. He admitted to sex trafficking in the past. He also admitted to lying to his girls about profits and giving them only a small share. Also deceiving them into believing they won't make it without him. That's why they stayed

Again i think you are confused between cam business and sex trafficking, you can't take one part from 10 years back and one part from now to joint them and make a criminal out of someone without concrete proof

>No it's not. The worst kind of exploitation and sexual exploitation happens when you mindfuck the victim into thinking they need their abuser. Same reason why abused wives don't leave their husbands. You just need to read up a little on the subject.

I agree but i don't think this is the case which applies here

>This is the country tate specifically chose for the legal system.

No he didn't specifically choose that country, he has many homes in many countries like Dubai, Germany etc. He just happened to be there in Romania during that time.

>I judge him not based on his "controversial remarks" and stupid shit about masculinity that I disagree with, I judge him purely based on what he himself described he has done.

>It is beyond me why so many of you get behind a guy who admitted to being proud of getting rich by exploiting women and scamming men. Your local garbage man is a better role model.

I am not judging him yet or neither is he my role model, i am just keeping an unbiased view till the issue is resolved, in your case you have already judged him by his past remarks then how would you be able to look into the clear picture, if in your mind if he already is the villian then even if he has done nothing wrong now and is proven innocent he will remain a villian for you.


MaKrukLive t1_j6xioeo wrote

>You are confused between cam business and sex trafficking my friend those are two separate thing, and he did say he did cam business as side gig during his ufc gig which he has stopped long since, and if you are judging him from then that is not an unbiased judgement >Again i think you are confused between cam business and sex trafficking, you can't take one part from 10 years back and one part from now to joint them and make a criminal out of someone without concrete proof

I am not confusing anything, this is Romanian law about sex trafficking. You are confused about what sex trafficking is

>ART. 210 Trafficking in persons (1) Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons for exploitation purposes: a) by means of coercion, abduction, deception, or abuse of power; b) by taking advantage of the inability of a person to defend him/herself or to express his/her will or of his/her blatant state of vulnerability; c) by giving and receiving payments or other benefits in exchange for the consent of an individual having authority over such person, shall be punishable by no less than 3 and no more than 10 years of imprisonment and a ban on the exercise of certain rights. (3) The consent of an individual who is a victim of trafficking does not represent a justifying ground.

What he said he did to the camgirls is sex trafficking.

>Even if he did say that he also said he was young and made mistakes at the time which he had the balls to openly say it and has stopped it.

We will see soon won't we?

>No he didn't specifically choose that country, he has many homes in many countries like Dubai, Germany etc. He just happened to be there in Romania during that time.

Bro you have no idea what you are talking about. Here's him saying he moved to Romania video from 7 months ago Here's why he lives in Romania, because he wants to take advantage of the corruption of the justice system. He didn't happen to be there, that's his main location.

>I am not judging him yet or neither is he my role model, i am just keeping an unbiased view till the issue is resolved, in your case you have already judged him by his past remarks then how would you be able to look into the clear picture, if in your mind if he already is the villian then even if he has done nothing wrong now and is proven innocent he will remain a villian for you.

Yes. I judged him on what he did in the past as a bad person. I have reasonable, rational grounds to do it. This doesn't stop me from waiting for the trial. If they don't find any evidence they should free him, despite me thinking he's a piece of shit.


Superb-Win6059 OP t1_j6xm7eq wrote

>I am not confusing anything, this is Romanian law about sex trafficking. You are confused about what sex trafficking is

So are you saying that police will come catch anyone for whatever they said in some video about something that happened like 10 years ago for some influence in social media and people have to agree that as some solid evidence?

>What he said he did to the camgirls is sex trafficking.

Once again something happened long back and in another country doesn't make a basis for romanian force to make a case on him

>Bro you have no idea what you are talking about. Here's him saying he moved to Romania video from 7 months ago Here's why he lives in Romania, because he wants to take advantage of the corruption of the justice system. He didn't happen to be there, that's his main location.

He didn't say he moved out to romania in the video he said he went to visit someone there like it and decided to stay there also he said he is constantly flying so you can't be saying its his base per se, and every rich and influential person takes advantage of the justice system of wherever they are so it doesn't apply solely to him.

>Yes. I judged him on what he did in the past as a bad person. I have reasonable, rational grounds to do it. This doesn't stop me from waiting for the trial. If they don't find any evidence they should free him, despite me thinking he's a piece of shit.

To each their own i guess


MaKrukLive t1_j6xpxos wrote

>So are you saying that police will come catch anyone for whatever they said in some video about something that happened like 10 years ago for some influence in social media and people have to agree that as some solid evidence?

No. I'm saying I am forming my opinion on him on that. What he described he did was sex trafficking. I'm not confused about anything.

>Once again something happened long back and in another country doesn't make a basis for romanian force to make a case on him

It was the same country. He's not being investigated for his videos. We don't know exactly what the case Romania is building against him is. All I know he is a sex trafficker because he admitted to doing it in the past.

>He didn't say he moved out to romania in the video he said he went to visit someone there like it and decided to stay there also he said he is constantly flying so you can't be saying its his base per se,

Are you high, think I'm stupid or what? It's literally in the first 10 seconds that I pointed you at . You people are crazy. Someone points an elephant to you and you go "no that's not an elephant". I don't even know what to say. You can hear him literally saying "I moved to Romania". Is that AI generated deepfake or what???????????????

>and every rich and influential person takes advantage of the justice system of wherever they are so it doesn't apply solely to him.

So what? Number 1 It doesn't make it okay that other people do it. Are you gonna start stealing because other people do it? Number 2 I haven't forgotten why I said he moved to Romania because of corruption. You can't complain about Romanian legal system if you specifically moved to Romania to abuse their corrupted legal system.


Superb-Win6059 OP t1_j6xs2ws wrote

>So what? Number 1 It doesn't make it okay that other people do it. Are you gonna start stealing because other people do it? Number 2 I haven't forgotten why I said he moved to Romania because of corruption. You can't complain about Romanian legal system if you specifically moved to Romania to abuse their corrupted legal system.

Well he didn't outright say he is there to exploit their justice system but its freer than other countries, I guess it came to bite him in the ass at the end


MaKrukLive t1_j6xu25n wrote

I have already pointed you to a video where he says he wants to abuse the corruption in Romania


Superb-Win6059 OP t1_j6xup1v wrote

Hence this case i reckon


MaKrukLive t1_j6xvypc wrote

You wanna know what I think? I don't know if this is true or not, but if the dude is rich, has casinos (which attract illegal business), he lives a rockstar life, and has been in the past doing illegal exploitative stuff, there's a good chance he is doing or helping his friends do something illegal. This might not be the case, but I wouldn't be surprised since he seemed to think he's the king of the world and people like that tend to engage in shady deals. I've known too many guys like that, just not that successful at it.


The Romanian justice system might have been bribed by him to look the other way, like he said, but when he blew up recently on the internet with all those videos talking about corruption in Romania, their justice system decided to make an example out of him especially since it has to do with human trafficking and Romania is trying to please EU about their human trafficking situation. The rule is if you are bribing people, never say it out loud. He better be squeaky clean because they will xray every brick of his house and all the his taxes for as far as they can. I don't think he is clean, but it is a possibility. We will see.


Superb-Win6059 OP t1_j6xzsni wrote

>You wanna know what I think? I don't know if this is true or not, but if the dude is rich, has casinos (which attract illegal business), he lives a rockstar life, and has been in the past doing illegal exploitative stuff, there's a good chance he is doing or helping his friends do something illegal. This might not be the case, but I wouldn't be surprised since he seemed to think he's the king of the world and people like that tend to engage in shady deals. I've known too many guys like that, just not that successful at it.

Well he is smart enough that if even if he was involved in some shady deals he has kept it under wraps or people such as him who flaunt their riches don't last long.

>The Romanian justice system might have been bribed by him to look the other way, like he said, but when he blew up recently on the internet with all those videos talking about corruption in Romania, their justice system decided to make an example out of him especially since it has to do with human trafficking and Romania is trying to please EU about their human trafficking situation. The rule is if you are bribing people, never say it out loud. He better be squeaky clean because they will xray every brick of his house and all the his taxes for as far as they can. I don't think he is clean, but it is a possibility. We will see.

Who knows what the real deal is i bet they both rubbed some corrupt official the wrong way and are trying to drag this out as long as possible to punish the brothers cause its very easy to manipulate things nowadays or else such thing didn't happen in other countries where they go to. Plus they are still free to be back in Dubai which one of the strictest counties regarding sexual matters


MaKrukLive t1_j6y07wj wrote

We can make the same assumption about Romanian police and say that if this is going to be such a public case they won't do any funny business because there's too many eyes watching.

Maybe he hasn't done anything illegal in Dubai, that's why they didn't do anything about him.


Superb-Win6059 OP t1_j6y11me wrote

Well let's see what happens at the end, if they r guilty the romanian police will provide some solid evidence otherwise they will have to set them free and if they don't provide anything concrete they will have a huge backlash.