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wearsAtrenchcoat t1_j7gibbd wrote

Can't wait for the basement idiots to start saying that it's fake because "jet fuel can't melt steel beams"


wearsAtrenchcoat t1_j7hqdg6 wrote

Yes, I guess I haven't kept up with the newest trends, I'm an old man after all.

The fact the building collapses almost in exactly the same fashion as the WTC towers is what brought up the memories of those who, at the time, were up in arms on how it could not have happened


wearsAtrenchcoat t1_j7j1t2b wrote

After 9 11 there were, and probably still are, a number of people who claimed the terrorist attacks were part of a conspiracy and not the result of airplanes being flown into the buildings. One of the most quoted “reasons” was that the fire from jet fuel couldn’t cause the towers to collapse. “Jet fuel can’t melt steel” became their slogan and later a meme.

In this video the building collapses in a very similar way to the World Trade Center towers did. To any normal person that makes sense, structurally that’s what happens when it is weakened. But to a conspiracy theorist it becomes something to disprove because there must be other dark forces at play.

My joke was based on those ideas: building collapses, everyone says it’s a an earthquake, can’t be true, must find crazy reason, spread it on the internet together with flat earth non sense or some other bs