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SkyNightZ t1_jamyzny wrote

In a private only model sure, it sucks.

but everywhere with public and private that is literally how it works.

Don't "sweet child" me when you clearly have no idea how the system works.


lllNico t1_jamztc5 wrote

it doesnt work like that tho


SkyNightZ t1_janculh wrote

It literally does. Like your pulling this out of thin air.

Guess which one of us works in the pharmaceutical research business and who doesn't.

The government can afford some research, but it wants to see maximum patient impact.

That means diseases that effect a small percentage of the population get less funding.

However to private investors those diseases can be incredibly lucrative.

So private funds research in those areas more than public. Then overtime (because most of these ventures go nowhere) the successful treatments make their way to the top and get more development.

This is early stage vs late stage research.

The government is more willing to help fund late stage research because its more viable. But without the early stage research there is no late stage.

I've simplified the process but if you did the most basic level of research you would see what I'm saying is true.

What you have is an IDEA, and you are hoping against reality that your idea is true. It simply isn't.


lllNico t1_janieqv wrote

i would like to refer you to my first comment. The AMERICAN system is broken. Nice essay tho, i am sure your boss would be quite pleased


SkyNightZ t1_jaou4v7 wrote

How is that relevant to this exchange. Read it again.