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Doggydog212 OP t1_jc33kgg wrote

And please no politics, I don’t want to hear about bail reform, this guy is charged with a felony he won’t qualify. I’m more so curious if there’s something logistical I’m missing or if anyone has more info. Do they lock the doors between cars in Chicago? That would make a little more sense if they were between stops and there was no where to go.


StraightCaskStrength t1_jc3g4wt wrote

> This guy is charged with a felony he won’t qualify

Was charged with a felony a year prior too. Not great at navigating all this legal stuff but I believe the code is this one…

> C) not less than 8 years and not more than 40 years with respect to 400 grams or more but less than 900 grams of any substance containing heroin;

I’m not sure about how many of the previous 4 assault/battery charges were felonies but will try to follow up.

> this guy was charged with a felony he will not qualify

ARRESTED Sunday, October 13, 2019 5:51 AM



RELEASED (AGENCY DETENTION FACILITY) Tuesday, October 15, 2019 4:45 AM

> …

Chicago actually makes finding criminal court records much more difficult than others (is anyone really surprised?)

At the end of it all, he is currently scheduled to spend <6 years in prison and was found guilty of armed robbery WITHOUT FIREARM, theft of >300 with prior intent (sentence discharged so this was a freebie), robbery (another freebie as this sentence was also discharged).

It’s shocking lightfoot even got 15% of the vote.


Doggydog212 OP t1_jc3km0q wrote

Correction: violent felonies.

I think in every state with bail reform, violent felonies you are always held in jail without bond


StraightCaskStrength t1_jc49d14 wrote

I’m confused as to what you were trying to correct here.

He was released on bail/bond in under 2 days and was then free for ~18 months until his actual sentence began.


Doggydog212 OP t1_jc4b2b8 wrote

I was correcting myself. And my bad I didn’t click the link and look at the specific case, I thought your excerpt was from a previous one. You’re right he post bail 2 days later. The news report said he was held without bail. The judge must have reversed his decision or News just got it wrong.

Regardless it’s not bail reform because I’m sure he posted bond. Although that info doesn’t appear to be there