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guitarokx t1_iwanst1 wrote

Hold up, do you have to microwave it or is that just how he likes to cook his? Seems like this might logically work without the microwave step, no?


chocolate_milk_dude t1_iwao0ow wrote

An oven at 400°F or on the grill with the husk on for about 10 minutes gets you the same result.


LeviathanGank t1_iwb97g3 wrote

or de-husk it first


KCCOfan t1_iwbdsl0 wrote

I took of the husk for a while and went back to my old husky ways. Keeps in more moisture and does a fantastic job on the bbq. I’ve been using this guys method for a couple of years now and it just works.


LeviathanGank t1_iwbeu7r wrote

Ok I will gove it a go next time I get some 🥳


OuidOuigi t1_iwbin34 wrote

With the husk on soak it in water before grilling it. I stopped removing the silk as well, it's easier to remove after it's cooked and adds more flavor.


matrix20085 t1_iwbftsd wrote

Dehusk. Salt, pepper, butter, and adobo. Wrap in tinfoil and throw on the grill. Amazing corn every time. As long as you wrap it properly the juices stay in.


goshdammitfromimgur t1_iwbhrjx wrote

I like the smoky flavour you get as the outer leaves of the husk char


matrix20085 t1_iwbipxk wrote

Ahh, I always put mine on the top warmer rack while everything else cooks. I will have to leave some in the husk closer to the heat next time.


Jay-Five t1_iwbiqd9 wrote

Mexican street corn right there. Love it.


matrix20085 t1_iwbk4uu wrote

Ha ha, is it? My buddy had me try it a few years ago and I never went back


Jay-Five t1_iwbkri5 wrote

Yep. Delicious. Only way I do corn. (Except maybe also in the husk, but can’t get butter in there unless you deconstruct first.)

Add Queso Fresco and a bit of lime from the finishing touch.


chocolate_milk_dude t1_iwdazww wrote

The point is to get the husk off easier by cooking it. Trust me. No need to soak it or shuck it then rewrap it. Just corn + heat = easy to shuck.


IGotSkills t1_iwbgzxx wrote

No! Grill with husk on, no worries of anything at all. Good corn every time


Indercarnive t1_iwbsecx wrote

You need to heat it up to loosen the cob from the husk. What method you do to heat it up though is up to you.


ohgood t1_iwe7vhc wrote

Stick 'em in Uncle Glenn's armpits while he watches the game?