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mayorjimmy t1_j1oxp8a wrote

Well if Kanye thinks he's suing for royalties he done gone and fucked all his credibility so he's going to get laughed out of any court he's dumb enough to step into.


Vegan_Harvest t1_j1p0ozm wrote

>he done gone and fucked all his credibility

I feel like that ship has sailed.


walruskingmike t1_j1p5ts5 wrote

That's literally what they're saying. That he fucked his credibility before this and won't be taken seriously if he sues.


the_original_Retro t1_j1pqlue wrote

I read it the other way, as "THIS CLAIM fucked his credibility", for this specific theme.

West's credibility was super in question before, that's obvious and no argument there.

But that won't get a lot of weight with respect to a specific court case where he's suing for royalties.

"Your honor, the plaintiff's generally not credible" isn't a starting argument.

But if instead it's "Your honor, we can specifically demonstrate where the plaintiff had made misleading claims about ownership and creation of the concept that is the theme of their frivolous lawsuit" (or however a decent lawyer would put it), suddenly it's really relevant.


Jetztinberlin t1_j1pq02c wrote

Sailed, mutinied, entire crew filled with scurvy and gangrene, burst into flames, and sank beneath the waves, never to be seen again.


swivelmaster t1_j1q704n wrote

That ship sailed and sank so dramatically, James Cameron is going to make a movie about it.


spiderborland t1_j1qjx3o wrote

That ship sailed and went so poorly, that Kanye is suing Steven Spielberg for stealing his idea.


publicbigguns t1_j1oy6rc wrote

Kenya gonna learn about "discovery"


gordo65 t1_j1q3ucf wrote

Honestly, I don't think discovery would hurt him. We already know that he's mentally ill, and that his illness causes him to fall into paranoia and to engage in self-destructive behavior. Really, what else is there to discover that he hasn't already published himself?


publicbigguns t1_j1q5c85 wrote

>Really, what else is there to discover that he hasn't already published himself?

Don't know, it hasn't been disclosed yet.


LevyShorts t1_j1p0cls wrote

Can't sure for an idea, because you can't copyright an idea. Ideas are always public domain. Only expressions of ideas are copyrightable.


IndIka123 t1_j1p3bvr wrote

When people in the past have sued for a stolen pitch, it’s because they submit a script. If there was a script then yes your Could sue over an idea that was stolen if they read it, then used it and cut you out. However we all know Kanye didn’t write a script and he pitched a slave idea and thinks now he wrote Django.


mayorjimmy t1_j1p12ze wrote

for those of us living on planet reality. unfortunately the US court system is fucked and we have to humor even insane dickheads so scumbag lawyers can make money. as long as he can find a lawyer willing to take his money it's still possible he might try it.


29979245T t1_j1p6qbk wrote

A case where there's no evidence or the claim would be legally meaningless regardless can usually be thrown out by a judge without ever seeing a jury.

Which is the best way it could work, unless Planet Reality is the name of a supercomputing paper shredder that can stop stupid lawsuits from even being submitted to the legal system.


mayorjimmy t1_j1p7444 wrote

> unless Planet Reality is the name of a supercomputing paper shredder that can stop stupid lawsuits from even being submitted to the legal system

oh man i WISH


ShadoWolf t1_j1r7kkd wrote

Over turning something like "Scènes à faire" would utterly cripple media. Which would what have to happen to go from .. general vague idea to copyrightable


MisterET t1_j1qenik wrote

It's a completely meritless claim with no evidence. His credibility is shot, but that won't even be a factor in dismissing this.


TimmyIo t1_j1q9ekg wrote

Wouldn't he need evidence? Like a rough draft etc