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Chickenmangoboom t1_je4lwv7 wrote

I’ve always loved this song but last year I got a hold of a version released by Third Man Records using the masters and the recordings are absolutely stunning. Find the highest quality version of her recordings as you can, it’s worth it.


dethzord t1_je40z91 wrote

Should you ever work in a country night club that does singing contests for tickets to the Country Music Awards, you will learn to loath this song.

You are NOT Patsy Cline. Please stop.


jun2san t1_je3w4sm wrote

Fun fact: Patsy Cline developed a throat infection at the age of 13 that affected her singing voice, giving it a “booming” quality.


nihontopride t1_jdxkluf wrote

If this is true, do you still have the original video saved to the phone? If so, see if a lawyer will take the case for free and take a percentage of the winnings? It should be an open and shut case if you still have the video showing it was taken by your wife. If Catskill Outdoors can’t provide a source for how they got the video and their copy was uploaded later than your source file, then clearly they’re in violation of stealing it. Demand any profit Catskill Outdoors earned from the stolen video be surrendered to you for the illegal use of your property and any further use of the video halted immediately.