
crudedrawer t1_jdtgupf wrote

I love the show and was super excited for season 3 and got Starz the day episode 1 dropped. Three has been good and i was glad to see these miscreants again but my one month of starz already ended and I'm good to wait until there's a free option to see the final two eps. And before you say "it's only so and so dollars!" yes, i am very, very cheap.


crudedrawer t1_ja16trf wrote

Reply to comment by Deritatium in Madonna 1980s by steroidamoeba

She's made some choices, but i think what's most jarring about her current look is her lack of eyebrows. I honestly believe if she still had her natural Italian eyebrows the rest of her work wouldn't seem as alien.


crudedrawer t1_ja11kbp wrote

It's okay to not like an artist for any reason but I know that ten years ago there were a lot of online people who were oddly upset that Lana Del rey wasn't her real name (the horror) and that she came from something other than abject poverty.

I wasn't sold on her at first b/c i didn't think the "woe is me I'm so beautiful yet so unhappy boo hoo" thing had legs but I think she's proven herself to be far more than that.


crudedrawer t1_j6lyiqh wrote

seeing her in the conversation after growing up on l&s reruns was kind of mindblowing. I think I read somewhere that she was worried that taking asitcom would sink her as a serious actress and I wonder if that's true. Her acting in that film is so understated and perfect for the material it feels like she could have done more like that.


crudedrawer t1_ixg4ghj wrote

I thought of listing the five smiths songs I would recommend but I'll just do one from each of the five albums (LTB is an album for these purposes)
This Charming Man
The Headmaster Ritual
The Boy WIth the Thorn in His Side
Half A Person
Stop Me If You've heard ths One Before

That said, I'm a superfan and could have listed any five songs as recommendations. There are literally only two songs by the smiths I don't like - Girlfriend in a Coma and Meat is Murder.

EDIT: I gyess if LTB is an album so is Hatful so from that I recommend Accept Yourself.