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VisualMod t1_jaaj7ga wrote

This is an important update for anyone who uses Pattern Day Trader Resets on their account. Starting March 6th, 2023, you will only be able to request ONE PDT Reset for the lifetime of your account. This change is due to recent regulatory changes and updates at our clearing firm. Any previous PDT resets that have been completed will be forgiven on March 6th, and all accounts will be eligible for the single lifetime reset starting on that date.


LavenderAutist t1_jabs4z6 wrote

Hello sir.

I'd like to return the AMC shares I purchased on January 24th. They did not do what I wanted them to do so I am claiming non-performance. In order to do this I would like to use my one lifetime Pattern Day Trader reset to reset the cash into my account. Of course, you can have the AMC shares for your trouble.

Yours in kindness.