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RockyattheTop t1_jadnl1l wrote

Easiest short of all time then. FOMO crowd is left poor, and bears are the new gurus of Wall Street. Fed doesn’t cut rates because they felt cute and decided to be nice, they cut rates because at some point something breaks and it’s them trying to clean up their mess. Happens everytime they raise rates repeatedly


Brickolas_Cage t1_jadxvhh wrote

EaSiEsT sHoRt Of AlL tImE


RockyattheTop t1_jadydkf wrote

Do it, please FOMO buy in when they cut rates. Only call options, no shares. I can’t wait to see you go tits up


Ohmaygahh t1_jae0mph wrote

EXACTLY! Right now there is a short term pressure of FOMO by all the people who think they are smart waiting on the sidelines. Too much money waiting for better prices. Stocks will moon just enough that the buying starts again and it's a new "bull" market that defies logic.

Then the true dump begins.


RockyattheTop t1_jae27a1 wrote

Wall Street has to offload their bags. They aren’t stupid and are way better with math and economics than the rest of us. They see where this shit shows going. Once they can unload a bigger portion of their holdings onto Main Street they can start to dump their shares, and will plan on buying up the shares they just sold to retail once the market is down another 30% and retail capitulates.