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rp2012-blackthisout t1_ja938nb wrote


throwitawayCrypto t1_ja941lp wrote

I need the next MB to come out of the woodwork and do the math on this bc I have no idea how to get that data but it’s definitely in the works


rp2012-blackthisout t1_ja9fkmz wrote

In mid-2022, adjustable-rate mortgages made up nearly 10% of all new home loan applications, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association

In 2000 it was 30%, in 2005 it was 35%.

But to help your case, in 2015 it was 5%. So yes, we're way off the highs and lows of ARMs.


lost_in_life_34 t1_ja9h5rz wrote

towards the end of the 2008 bubble no one really had ARM's cause they couldn't afford them.


they had interest only 1 year loans that were no income of documentation verification