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What_Yr_Is_IT t1_j9lzj9w wrote

The next 10-15 years of students are coming Into the college conversation much later than the students of 10-15 years ago. Back then, we were told we needed it. Students today and the future students of tomorrow have much more history to look back on to make an “educated” decision on whether it’s a good idea to go or not.

$10k could halve some borrowers debt, at the bare minimum it would lower payments.


jrolumi t1_j9m02oz wrote

Got to be honest that’s not a good argument. People bought houses in 2008 because it’s “the American dream”. Then the market crashed & people lost everything. There’s risk in these things. Totally agree that there needed/needs to be way better education in what you’re getting yourself into with college debt & such.

The system is very broken. But why not solve the broken issues now? Even you’re saying let’s just throw money at it now & figure out the rest later. The issue is still going to persist


What_Yr_Is_IT t1_j9m3qkv wrote

You can claim bankruptcy on a home and walk away. You can’t do that with student loans.

That same scenario, as of today, those same people are in a new home and a clean credit report

A student is fucked forever.


jrolumi t1_j9m592u wrote

Touché. To play devils advocate, my argument would be do they take away your diploma if you file bankruptcy? Lol idk. Was good discussion