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VisualMod t1_j9y1e7d wrote

Checking news articles and making buy/sell decisions based on positive or negative implications is a good way to trade stocks. However, you need to be careful with how you interpret the data from the news API. Just because an article has a positive tone doesn't necessarily mean that it will have a positive impact on the stock price.


SinnerOfAttention t1_j9y53rh wrote

This fucking bot is getting hella sentient.


Dizzybro t1_j9yp9d4 wrote

It's probably using ChatGPT lawl


JiggyJerome t1_j9yqli7 wrote

Considering some of it’s comments are borderline trolling, I can’t help but feel like someone has the ability to occasionally edit it’s comments. They can talk all the shit they want, with no accountability, and our only rebuttal is “bad bot”.


Dizzybro t1_j9yugvg wrote

Yep definitely possible. Nothing preventing the owner from sending whatever message he wants via the API or by logging in directly


Jits_Guy t1_j9zh21d wrote

Everyone has the ability to edit what it says by right clicking and hitting "inspect element". Any text that's stored client side (like the displayed portion of a chat log) can be editted in a few seconds.

This shit is gonna change the world though.


jecjackal t1_j9z0o56 wrote

I for one welcome our new visual bot overlord.


BigChiller t1_ja1d0zw wrote

That’s why you gotta train your own sentiment model and be real careful about feature selection.


StygaiAsshai t1_ja021u9 wrote

$SPXC is a good example. Insiders sold, positive news, stock goes sideways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯