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billbradley8744 t1_j9h6lzm wrote

2020 misinformation spread through Twitter was terrorism


Commercial-Honey-227 t1_j9h7dcm wrote

Well, under the Terrorism act, Twitter would have had to be in cahoots with the terrorists with the goal of committing terror in order for liability for that terror to be applied to Twitter. That is the case being heard tomorrow, Twitter v. Taamneh. Oral arguments begin at 10 am -just go to the Supreme Court site and you can listen in along with me and other Court geeks.


billbradley8744 t1_j9h7gun wrote

They were.


Commercial-Honey-227 t1_j9hqt55 wrote

Sorry, I should have been much more specific. My bad. According to the Terrorism Act, Twitter would have had to be in cahoots with the terrorists to kill Taamneh, not just generally in cahoots.