Submitted by FMEngineer t3_1252awv in wallstreetbets
Submitted by FMEngineer t3_1252awv in wallstreetbets
>You should buy Apple stock, it is currently undervalued and has a lot of upside potential.
Uvxy best stock you could own
18k in a Roth IRA at 21? That's pretty good.
21 years old with 18k Roth?! Okkkkk
My mum helped me
ATM $FRC calls
Nice didn’t know about this one
Looks like shit man
Short Netflix
You lost?
Not a bad idea
It was all going so well...
Don’t talk to me cryptard
SPY calls 0dte
I have a loving gf and coke doesn’t do anything for me unfortunately
ITM 01/2025 LEAPS puts on $BLK. Sell in June 2024
FRC shares, it literally cannot go tits up.
Not sure the reasoning behind this?
Put it all on red and let it roll, baby!
I’m not a gambler, I’m an investor
Be patient . Strike when opportunity presents like a spider.
literally going tits down
What the hell
Snagged Schwab at $47 sold on the spike. Tsla at $104 sold at $197. Be patient opportunity presents every once in a while. That 18k or whatever it is will be $0 forcing a trade
But ma'am, this is a casino!
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Hi I'm new what do I do?
Literally pulled out of my ass. My fingers stink now.
Yeah get some far OTM contracts on UVXY and you’ll soon go from renting an apartment to renting a cardboard box from your local landfill
VisualMod t1_je22a8e wrote