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xxpatrixxx t1_jeei0o1 wrote

Tbh honest sometimes I wish I was regarded so I could find at least some kind of logic to this regarded market.


AnkalaevWillBeTop5 t1_jef3xkx wrote

This deep and elusive logic you dumdums are looking for is literally just:

printer go brrrr, stock market go up

People who say anything more complex than this are literally the modern versions of witch doctors trying to convince you of some bullshit.

“But what about bank uncertainty or less available cash or bond yields or blah blah blah.”

Shut up nerd. Throw your money in stocks.

“But we’ve been kicking the can down the road. Debt is too high. The fed can’t service it. They can’t print money forever. Higher rates. Ron Paul said…”

Shut up nerd. Throw your money in stocks

There, I have cleared everything up for you and taught you the market. You’re welcome.


Ayy_boi3 t1_jefdzpb wrote

Logic is: Market was in uptrend entire year, bank crisis fucked it, bank crisis wasn't real, it was just SVB poor management, deposits are returning, fed loans are being returned, market reverses the loss, bears threw life savings into puts for some reason, short squeeze. Bulls realize the strength of this market, they don't want to be left behind because market is already down -20% from the highs so it's not a bad buying oppurtunity anyways.