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PhillyChapter9 t1_jed3gfn wrote

If your storing cash and lead for the shtf scenario, then you would be much better off swapping the cash for another metal - silver. In the scenario where bullets have value, cash would be worthless or inflated to near worthless while silver oz’s would have barter value just like your rounds. Between the collapse and shtf cash will have a use, but you will be better off in the long stockpiling more silver than cash.


NRA-4-EVER t1_jed4p84 wrote

I'm not saying the cash is for that scenario. I was refuting the OP and their claim that no dominant currency is anonymous.

Like I said the end of the world currency is definitely bullets. Post WWI Germany, during the hyper inflation, many used bullets as currency. Just make sure you store the most common rounds.


SateliteDicPic t1_jed5x4m wrote

You are correct that it is anonymous but only in small sums. You can’t make any large purchases like a house using cash and any transaction above $10k goes on record etc. So I would say cash imparts partial anonymity or it’s utility as an anonymous currency is limited.


NRA-4-EVER t1_jedaybe wrote

Per to per transactions of any size are anonymous. There is no way to know where cash goes. The government has to wait for people to report income or register a car etc. This is why the FED wants to switch to a digital currency, so they can remove the anonymity.