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memestockwatchlist t1_jdjsqc3 wrote

Selling puts for all of the downside but none of the upside, welcome home brother


sylphvanas OP t1_jdjt4oi wrote

25% ROI in 1 week is no upside? img


literallynegative t1_jdjvxhc wrote

Inb4 100% gone in a day.


sylphvanas OP t1_jdk0xoa wrote

Only way that happens is if the stonk goes to 0


bittabet t1_jdkm0v4 wrote

Or it delists and you can’t assign especially in an IRA since even brokers that allow shorting for assignment need you to post collateral. Look at how screwed the signature bank put holders were 😂


Albert0824 t1_jdoc39g wrote

You realize OP sold puts? He’d have shares assigned if they ended up in the money. All IRA’s I know of only allow CSEPs not naked puts. So basically if it delist and Long put holders can’t short this guy keeps all premium…unless he gets the short end of the stick and someone who actually owns shares uses their put.


brad9991 t1_jdkbo6k wrote

I bought the initial dip and sold on the bounce for 60% in 24 hours. Sit down kid
