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Dad_Is_Mad t1_jdxsp1b wrote

This is an exceptional word salad to get your entire point incorrect. The Fed has absolutely zero control over bond rates that are issued by any corporations ...including banks.

The market sets long-term bond rates via supply and demand and whether they believe inflation will increase or decrease.

IF....the market believes the Fed has set rates too low, inflation expectations go up, and bond rates go up (yield curve steepens). If the market believes the Fed has set rates too high (like the market believes right now) then the expectation for future inflation goes down, and long term bond rates go down and the yield curve flattens or inverts.So basically, your entire fucking essay you wrote is entirely full of regarded bullshit and you should just keep trading 0dte's and leave the analysis to the big boys.

I'll guarantee you two things. One, the market will do whatever it wants. And two, you'll never be on the short-list to replace Jamie Dimon.