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the_shalashaska t1_jdkby4v wrote

Reply to comment by DYTTIGAF in Fed Balance Sheet by Mega-Lithium

Ok, got it. You’re vouching for the same “let ‘em die” policies that led to the Great Depression and GFC.

You don’t understand the entire concept of fractional reserve banking is built on simple trust…trust that you will get paid back. When that trust goes away, everything falls apart.

The only way to maintain that trust is to print print print. There is no other way this system survives. Once you realize that, you just ride the waves.


DYTTIGAF t1_jdklkcg wrote

No. You don't get it. Accepting fraud and poor management of customers capital is not something that should be accepted as good behavior.

"Riding the waves" of incompetence is something I just need to accept? Please explain to me where did you come up with such brilliant insight? A child thinks this way.

You logic suggests the underlying currency (the US Dollar) can withstand a perpetual train of corruption without investors every questioning its value and stability. We should just ignore common sense because things will just magically fix themselves? Good luck with your thesis.


BlahblahOMG60 t1_jdks0aa wrote

Excellent point. I wonder if this is the beginning of the end of the dollar as a world reserve currency 🫣