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NOVUS_ORDO_SECLORUM6 OP t1_iu8mzjh wrote

You mentioned you can sell it later, but who is to say that it will be at a profit? It could be at a loss. And that loss could exceed whatever dividends that were paid out or positive company direction based on voting outcomes. If brokers continue to FTD on other trades for the same company you have invested stock in, over the years there is greater chance that the value of the stock will go down. And that is not necessarily from accumulating a massive amount of outstanding FTDs at any given time. Even if/when FTDs are settled, having existed at any point the FTDs dilute the value of the shares. The reason is that they are effectively producing more shares of the company than actually exist, and just like any example of supply and demand, excess supply devalues the underlying good. And that is just the direct effect that brokers who FTD have on the value of companies’ stock. By devaluing the stock, they are inhibiting the financial well-being of the company and limiting business potential based on a lower valuation. This can affect the success of the company and therefore indirectly devalue the stock.

This isn’t about shutting down the stock market, it’s about regulating the stock market per United States laws. The SEC is clear as day not doing so, which affects all investors and only enriches financial institutions. So are you against upholding the laws, especially when identifiable damage is being done?


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