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Stonkstrader84 OP t1_iudnmqc wrote

You think that comment boosts your ESG score?


vegastrashy t1_iueasms wrote

Don’t care what that is. Was more interested in if you knew you were an asshole or not. I don’t like Trumptards, and I smell one.


Stonkstrader84 OP t1_iuedusr wrote

If sharing my investment thesis makes me an asshole, guess I am one. Don‘t give two shits about Trump. And none about your opinion.


Working-Form1858 t1_iuezjaa wrote

BAN for political bullshit.


vegastrashy t1_iug00z3 wrote

Agreed. Ban OP for his Woke commentary. Then go fuck yourself.


Stonkstrader84 OP t1_iuhdw3x wrote

Holy fuck you guys are probably the whiniest bunch of snowflakes this is awesome, if I had more time I would really just argue with you for fun.


vegastrashy t1_iui48fn wrote

Classic case of, "Tell me you're a Trumptard without telling me you're a Trumptard."


Stonkstrader84 OP t1_iui945g wrote

boohoo…please Mod…ban the bad man…he said woke and isn‘t nice to me…help Mod…img


vegastrashy t1_iujgng1 wrote

Wasn’t the reaction you were looking for? That’d be two things you got wrong.