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LordoftheExiled t1_iu2syql wrote

My day as a "insert tech company highly paid " do nothing, do nothing, do nothing. Do 1 hr of work, do 45 min circle jerk meeting on zoom. eat lunch, do yoga, do nothing for 4 more hours. Get drunk.


MainMedicine t1_iu4m5rx wrote

Eh, my tech job is like that, and it's not changing. I still add immense value whenever I do decide to work.


plckle1 t1_iu42irh wrote

23 year old tech "consultant"


DeineZehe t1_iu59pzv wrote

Easy, the 50+ year old senior software or system engineers around me don't have any idea what they're doing. The amount of times they just spew bullshit to cover their ass is insane. But they get 4x my salary FML