Submitted by TheQuickster t3_ye3ej5 in wallstreetbets

Which do you see succeeding in the short term and which in the long term and why?

I've seen a few posts of people claiming Tilray is the golden goose of the three and I'm just wondering if it's the best option.

Curious to hear from the gurus.



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MyCatIsFuzzy t1_itvoegy wrote

Tilray is strong for a number of reasons: mostly, because its profitability isn't tied to legalisation at the US federal level. Obviously, that would rocket the price; but even if it doesn't, it has strong goings in CA, and is picking up strongly in the medical cannabis market in various EU countries, so there is profitability there too.


TheQuickster OP t1_itvq7vl wrote

Thanks for your reply! I am curious to know what about the Tilray financials are making people salivate


VisualMod t1_itvmtt4 wrote

>I believe that Tilray will be the most successful in the long term because of its strong financials and experienced management team.


Gndossan t1_itvpqz4 wrote

I would bet on tilray based on the financials and being spread around medical and leisure.


Wallstreetdodge69 t1_itvogpe wrote

Mo, get some weed exposure, dividend and not high risk


mathewgilson t1_itvr05p wrote

The problem with your question is BIAS cannot be avoided with bag holders. All of us are going to pick the stock we’re most heavily invested in. Look into IO app and see for yourself which are rated the highest.


klondikethreeD t1_itvte7a wrote

I just bought some Canopy growth warrants expiring Jan 2024. Wish me luck!


Breadman42000 t1_itvthoj wrote

Don’t mean to be the contrarian but have you looked at Maps


TheQuickster OP t1_itvviec wrote

No I haven't, how do they look positioned?


Breadman42000 t1_itvvtfr wrote

Oh they’re about to soar imo. They’re not the grower or the store there’s a app that you can buy it anywhere it’s legal in the US 91% margin do your dd


DizzyMammoth21 t1_itvufa7 wrote

Canopy growth.. $80 to $4 made us tons in Canada then shit the bed.

Tilray closed a production plan a few months ago near me.

Aurora another monster money maker shitting the bed.

Don't think long term.. think short. The Canadian weed market is absolutely fucked and overpriced. These clowns went for the gold off the rip and got burned. Black market weed is still thriving and the cost difference is astounding.


crankyp4nts t1_itvxatx wrote

Steer clear of Aurora. They devalued their stock price time and time again to free up capital to swallow competitors in the Canadian marketplace, then shat on investors with a reverse split to push their stock to their perceived value, which I think at the time was $14 USD. They're now worth about $1.30 USD per share.


PinkyPop88 t1_itwbwdj wrote

None, just smoke weed, weed stocks for Cookie Monster PJ wearers