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RepairThrowaway1 t1_iuebkb5 wrote

The stupidest thing about the graph is that all the projections have the inflation nicely levelling off above zero at 2% as if the fed has any clue what the fuck they are doing.

Inflation can come down soon, but only if things are so fucked that we overshoot to the downside.

The idea that we can have a controlled disinflation to 2% is total BS. I think inflation goes down, but there's no way these clowns can control it to 2%, if it starts dropping to 2% it's gonna keep going.

They're not gonna successfully control it by reducing demand, they are either gonna let it remain way too high or destroy the financial system and spike the dollar to the moon, there's no in between for these clowns.


Infamous_Sympathy_91 OP t1_iueeig2 wrote

100% it's like bank analysts are writing up reports for their head teacher (the central bank)... and in doing so affirming their support that the FED and US government can control manage the US economy and geopolitical situation enough to hit the target of 2% within a relatively short amount of time.


IrishNinja8082 t1_iuenz16 wrote

Is disinflation an actual thing? I thought the term was deflation but I could easily be wrong.


CrabFederal t1_iuerhr4 wrote

Disinflation is a reduction in inflation. So moving from 9% to 5% inflation is disinflation.

Deflation is a negative inflation rate.