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elhabito t1_iufc574 wrote

The perfect amount of exponential growth for our finite world.


MicroneedlingAlone t1_iufsn5r wrote

bro at the current inflation rate, a mcchicken would cost $2,600 in 100 years


elhabito t1_iufvone wrote

I think that's an optimistically low price for a McChicken and long time frame for the US dollar but maybe.


TheRealAlexLifeson t1_iugp1tv wrote

i think mcdonalds took that big mac index status and looked at inflation, grew their margin a bit bc after all they in business to make money


TheRealAlexLifeson t1_iugoqwu wrote

yet 6 bucks spent on the taco bell value menu will always fill our stomaches.. i don't know how they do it


Nieshtze t1_iugwzus wrote

Have you been to a taco bell recently? They've jacked up the price of most items. A bean and rice burrito (in the 'value' menu) now costs $3.5...


TheRealAlexLifeson t1_iugy383 wrote

I went about a week ago and got like 3 2 dollar menu items and a 1$ cheese rollup thing and it was like 6.58 or something like that. It filled me up so i was impressed that i could do that with 6 bucks still especially these days.


Nieshtze t1_iugzcj9 wrote

3x $2 items and $1 cheese roll up, along with tax adding up to $6.58? I see that you are well regarded in the field of elementary mathematics.

Overall, I do agree though, taco bell does give some of the best value fast food.


Tristanna t1_iufhxda wrote

Call me crazy by I think we're going to crack fusion within the next 50 years and cause a boom


sarkagetru t1_iufqxpw wrote

To be fair, we’ve been within 50 years from cracking fusion for the last 50 years. I think they’re close though


Tristanna t1_iufzun0 wrote

As far as I understand it on paper everything works out. If it didn't I would think that would have been discovered so it should be just a matter of time and money and this year has been a boom for fusion investment by industry standards.


elhabito t1_iugakwy wrote

The new generation of toroids are currently under construction. There's a good YouTube video about it, they come together piece by piece. They have made net positive, but it's not remotely cost effective.


TheRealAlexLifeson t1_iugolb1 wrote

oh man.. tell me the company thats gonna make a mr fusion and ill just pour everything i have into it now. that would be nice


Huarrnarg t1_iuhqksy wrote

i make fusion every morning with my crack if ya know what im saying


xlz193 t1_iui9kkl wrote

It’s not that revolutionary. Fusion would just be another type of power plant that costs billions of dollars. Same as exactly what we have right now


Tristanna t1_iuiajfo wrote

Everything I have read indicates that Fusion (if achieved) would be much more productive in terms of hor much energy is yielded and would leave near none radioactive by-products. If true, I think that is huge