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t1_iuaoedk wrote

Fortunately*, you mean.

The world will be a better place in the long run once Russia collapses. A worthy investment.


t1_iuc5m98 wrote

Russia is not going anywhere. To imagine otherwise is wishful thinking. WSB is about making money and that requires dealing with reality, not imaginary victories over Russia. The Russian Bear defeated Hitler and Napoleon, so I don't think Ukraine is going to be its downfall. LOL

Ever since the Ukraine war started, Western governments and media have been claiming that Russia is "on the verge of collapse" or "about to have a revolution that overthrows Putin". Of course none of that has happened. Instead, Russia's ruble is the strongest performing European currency this year. The ruble is up 12% over last year. Russia has redirected its energy exports to China, India, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, thereby negating the impact of losing its former European customers.

From an investment standpoint, traders need to acknowledge that Russia is the world's most resource rich nation, is a military super-power, and knows how to defend its economic self-interest. Swapping anti-Russia political sentiments for the hard facts of Russia's economic reality is a sure way to lose money.


t1_iudaewu wrote

Lmaaaaooo I hope you really dont believe what you wrote.

-Russia in less than 1 year has already lost more than Americans lost in10 years throughout the Vietnam war. They are losing and losing bad. Their military is a joke from all the embezzlement and corruption over the years, and it's in full display with all their soviet era tech.

-If Russia was so resource rich, they wouldnt be acting like Orc invaders trying to steal land for resources. Hell they wouldnt be constantly pillaging washing machines to bring back to base for their chips.

-the Ruble is being propped up. If you believe it's strong in reality despite the entire world blocking trade with them, then I got a bridge to sell you.

Like you said not a place to discuss politics but holy shit man at least remove your head from your ass.


t1_iudzlhr wrote

Everything you said is complete nonsense. All the people reading this discussion thread will decide for themselves about your lack of credibility.

  • You are quoting Ukrainian propaganda as if it were official Russian casualty figures. If those numbers were real, then the war would already be over because Russia's entire military would be gone. How can you be so foolish as to repeat that nonsense?
  • Russia occupies 20% of the surface of the Earth. It has more mineral wealth than any other nation and most continents.
  • The Ruble trades freely against other currencies. China, India, Brazil, and other non-NATO nations accept Russian rubles as payment for goods and services, while Russia accepts their yuan, rupee, real, etc