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Reasonable-Leave7140 t1_ixfgh9s wrote

Have you seen the video of the woman going through her day at Twitter?

"Show up at office 10 AM; get latte; do yoga; one meeting lunch one other meeting; leave 330"

His message was designed to entice them to quit; he's trying to weed out all the slackers like the guy who reportedly after being fired for tweeting curses at Musk was offered a job by Reddit and turned it down because he "likes to rock into the office at 11 AM".

Now, MAYBE Musk means 18 hour days 7 days a week for months on end-- but that's not actually legal to demand people to work, and it seems to me that "9 to 5 with an hour for lunch and generally working not doing yoga" would qualify as "extremely hard core" for the employees.

Twitter will be fine long term; too many people are too addicted to it. It'll go through a rough patch, but it will come out the other end with employees who fit its new culture and in a much better place.


skydiver19 t1_ixfksvz wrote

She took the piss with that video, and shows the culture and how many are just lazy self entitled tw@ts, I would of canned there arses too.

Like you say easy way to shake the tree and get rid of the dead wood and work shy


ShinsoBEAM t1_ixhozuk wrote

It's probably not 9 to 5 with an hour for lunch, it's probably the more typical USA, 8-6 with an hour for lunch, and possible crunch on and off for the forseeable future.


Reasonable-Leave7140 t1_ixivaau wrote

Shit, since they're in west coast time zone he should shift them to a 6:30-3 with a half hour lunch.