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Calm_Leek_1362 t1_ixi4o8h wrote

They'll lose revenue proportional to their staff cuts. They will see profits for about a year then the staff will be unable to keep up with maintenance or add new features, unless they are already working on replacing all the staff they dismissed.

People don't understand that companies can't just raise their revenue per employee because they laid people off. If they didn't need the staff before, they wouldn't have hired them in the first place.


Reasonable-Leave7140 t1_ixiv3hw wrote

That might be the case- except we've already seen, the majority of these employees were effectively NOT doing the work of a full time employee.

They seem to have had something like 10-15, maybe even 20+ people on pay roll for every 40 hours of work.

They can replace a few, be at a far lower staffing level and still turn out more productive work.