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VisualMod t1_ixa7wgh wrote

>This is an interesting development. I will keep an eye on this trend to see if it continues.


Fibocrypto t1_ixa8jfh wrote

Where in any of that data does it show investments in index funds ? And where does it show a bubble ?


AutoModerator t1_ixa7vmj wrote

Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling.

That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations.

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Longjumping-Frame-50 t1_ixbgfa3 wrote

Nice DD. Index’s can’t bubble unless the equities in the index’s are in a bubble. Mutual funds are bullshit and they steal from the consumer. Find something with less than .03 expense ratio and never sell ever