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t1_j28ge6q wrote

Whoever sent you here- unfriend him today.


t1_j28gkem wrote

You buy puts and the stock goes up and you lose all your money but then you borrow some from your wife and you buy calls but then the stock goes down and you again lose all your money


t1_j28gwmu wrote

Options are highly complex trading instruments that you should do extensive research on before deciding to trade them. But this is WSB, so you should probably just buy far out of the money puts that expire in a week


t1_j28h7lw wrote

This might actually be the sign, that the bottom is in....


t1_j28hb9p wrote

Judging from your question that you don‘t even know what you don‘t know. Take the money and buy your wife a nice gift so that she does not run off with her boyfriend.


t1_j28hjht wrote

Tsla options are too expensive. I shorted the stock the good old way and made a killing. But you can’t profit from a falling stock


t1_j28i9uh wrote

Go find a TSLA owner and key there car. You are now officially short. Do it to a few more cars and you have a leveraged short.


t1_j28iorg wrote

Don’t fuck around with puts. Get permissions from your broker to sell calls, and then get filthy rich of a new income stream.


t1_j28jg5s wrote

Buy $TSLQ with .5% of your portfolio. Add another .5% if TSLQ is going up. Secure profit


t1_j28lt3q wrote

You don't have any idea how options work but you want to dump a bunch of money into them? Just light a pile of cash on fire, at least you'll get some warmth from it.


t1_j298dat wrote

Take all your money and leverage it at least 100X (or as much as your broker will allow) then post your results here