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mbcls OP t1_j2c4sj6 wrote

but can you trust them? haha

my saving account and brokerage account is at Etrade


xDoomKitty t1_j2c50as wrote

Robinhood is 4% 8) so you can earn WHILE you daytrade


mbcls OP t1_j2c58br wrote

i used to have a Robinhood account then discovered that they dont let you "sell short".

you losing 50% opportunity unable to "sell short"


xDoomKitty t1_j2c67lf wrote

Oh damn. I didn't even know that. I day trade 0dte options. Normal day trading isn't fast enough for me. I prefer to see my account value look like a heart attack picu


vegastrashy t1_j2dpajb wrote

No worries, they’ll be the same thing again in no time.