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Hola_senores t1_j1p2h2b wrote

Shit i hope apple goes down to 80, I’m gonna sell all my holdings to go all in on apple at that price.


Ohwaitthatscheese t1_j1pj70d wrote

Right? Apple is a company to buy the dip in. Not some bullshit biotech company with 42 employees.


4troglodyte t1_j1r0z1r wrote

Better chance of seeing God👀🤡


samharristicket t1_j1rq14m wrote

It went down to like $50 in 2020.

I don't think WSB fully appreciates how hilariously overvalued $AAPL is.


4troglodyte t1_j1rvcau wrote

I respect all opinions…having said that, yes, $53.20 was the low I believe for 2020 and it tore up a lot of road from there even after the 27% takedown in 2022. I would argue that supply chain constraints and Foxconn debacle are impacting AAPL today, but I don’t invest for today. Since I can’t see around the corner I have chosen to keep AAPL at the core (it was too easy) of my portfolio over GOOG META TSLA SNAP. If the stock dips to your threshold I will add. What is fair value to you looking at their Balance Sheet? Thanks