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t1_j23tmkc wrote

It seems like hydrogen & fusion power may be more likely in a few years given the physics of an all electric world is impossible.


t1_j240rqa wrote

>given the physics of an all electric world is impossible.

Why? Battery issues? Too much load if everyone is trying to charge up?


t1_j243cru wrote

Electric grid is the biggest reason. Second is cost of copper going through the roof. Third is battery waste and we still don't have a good Lithium battery on the market that doesn't use cobalt. Yes companies like QS have some potential but they have yet to pan out.


t1_j248i4j wrote

Electricity is super expensive to produce & battery technology is expensive/inefficient. Super clean natural gas is another alternative.


t1_j24tsck wrote

Too bad my state both mandated EV and banned natural gas while reducing power production (solar/wind only)

Let's pass laws and ignore consequences, wheee


t1_j249skm wrote

Fusion is always 20 years away and hydrogen cars are too dangerous. I’ll stick with my V8


t1_j25hbkd wrote

Have fun with $5k/year in gas - I live near 2 Columbia river dams so my '23 Lightning is driving with hydroelectric free energy + $15k federal tax offset '22.
