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t1_j26w0iw wrote

>You're an idiot if you think Meta is dying. It's clear that you don't have the intelligence or wealth to make sound investment decisions, so I suggest you get out while you still can.


OP t1_j26xwpg wrote

I'm an idiot even if I don't think Meta is dying.


t1_j26yb2u wrote

Haha awesome response!

Meta was burning cash for VR. they cut a portion of the workforce to cut costs.

Meta pays big salaries in the bay. Check out

Meta’s revenues will slow because FB is in decline.

But to short META.. there are better short opportunities out there.

I would short META before i bought it


t1_j29qf9t wrote

That’s our only edge on skynet. We might still save our species.


t1_j2700vu wrote

You tell ‘em Visual Mod - these regards be trippin’.