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t1_j19tghf wrote

SQQQ hasn’t been stupid lol 😂


t1_j1bgi0v wrote

But you still shouldn’t hold it long term. You’ll get fucked by beta slippage. Just 1 green day and can bomb your position. But of course if you get lucky with consecutive red days you’ll make bank. But in the long term lots of risk


t1_j1bguue wrote

Not if you know how to read charts. I don’t leave my positions unmanaged. But in this down trend you could have and still done well, but not as well.


t1_j1bny66 wrote

I'm not much for charts but I swing trade both sides. Sold half of my SQQQ/SPXU today and, exercised a $18 strike TQQQ PUT(bought in the 16s), and bought some TQQQ in case we have a bounce up tomorrow. I use a combination of selling puts and LIFO swing trading as well to lower my cost basis in down trends while I buy bigger in bulk when I feel the time is right.