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theproductassociate t1_j2cy2y1 wrote

Yeah but if I ask someone they'll probably think I'm about to perform insider trading in the first place


us1838015 t1_j2cyd9o wrote

I feel like you've answered this one for yourself


theproductassociate t1_j2cyn7c wrote

I haven't. Can you do it for me please?


us1838015 t1_j2cytl7 wrote

Wouldn't touch it with visualmod's dick.


theproductassociate t1_j2cywti wrote

Your mother and I have always told you to not use this language. Put your phone down- we will speak with you in the morning.


us1838015 t1_j2czd11 wrote

You're trying too hard. But seriously,

  1. are your RSU's vested? Otherwise I don't think you can do a damn thing with them except sit on them. They're restricted by nature

  2. By shorting, do you mean selling options against your shares? Shorting is borrowing a stock in hopes that it's cheaper in the future and pocketing the difference.

  3. If you have any material, non-public knowledge you're a moron for even considering it. Most likely you'll lose your job and sweet equity package.

  4. You definitely belong here. Can't wait to hear the next scheme


theproductassociate t1_j2czmeb wrote

  1. Yea they're restricted by now but by the time I execute my shorts they will be ripe for harvest
  2. Whichever method makes me more $$$
  3. The material is with this HR chick I'm banging but she keeps me in the loop
  4. Fuck you.

us1838015 t1_j2czo2h wrote

Please take this to r/thetagang

Btw that post history 🥹


Mediocre-Addendum-56 t1_j2d1u7n wrote

Saw post history and was quite an entertaining little ride. The cherry on top was there.