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Diligent_String1966 t1_j2995x5 wrote


FlyPenFly t1_j29afip wrote

TWA, PanAm, etc long list of individually failed airlines.

When an entire industry is threatened, govt intervention much more likely.


OhNoNoNoAveMaria OP t1_j299z2i wrote

I understand why they would bail out the industry as a whole, but this is just one company, with a very negative image right now. Every other airline is fine and running smoothly, so it would look pretty ridiculous if Pete Butt Plug swooped in and bailed out one company for fucking up massively on it's own accord.


joevan55645 t1_j29dc22 wrote

But that's the thing, if you have been short this stock for a few weeks. That's an absolutely terrible headline. You're up quite a lot on your short. The momentum was strongly to the downside. These are all things I would notice for a cover.