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n1ck90z t1_j6onkj5 wrote

Campbell Harvey who basically introduced the yield curve as a recession indicator believes this time is a false positive


random-smile t1_j6p6st3 wrote

the classic “this time is different”


EnthusiasmOne5717 t1_j6p8n81 wrote

the classic survivorship bias - you just see the times when it wasnt different. and all the times it had a different outcome of course dont appear in your peer group data


Ak47killer122 t1_j6p7bbo wrote

Considering the limited data it could easily be different


MicroBadger_ t1_j6osbw4 wrote

Depth of inversion also doesn't mean worse recession as the dot com recession had a steeper inversion than 08. We could still have a mild recession vs Armageddon like the post wants to imply.


crom_laughs t1_j6oo1od wrote

and stocks never rally in a recession?


n1ck90z t1_j6oonxo wrote

That's another story. A recession would force FED to pause or cut rates, so it would still be difficult to predict the market