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BertAnsink t1_j6obj6u wrote

Why use micro futures instead of the real deal?


Ie -52 MES you could do -5 ES.


-550 MNQ you could do -55 NQ.


Alarming_Math1254 OP t1_j6obtmq wrote

I go in and out of the positions incrementally (kind dollar cost averaging I guess) to get a better entry/exit prices


wiggz420 t1_j6ooip5 wrote

you can still do that with minis lol


Alarming_Math1254 OP t1_j6op7tf wrote

It’s what I am accustomed too and I find I tend to get a better price point that way… idk maybe it’s all in my head


wiggz420 t1_j6opcwy wrote

commission is eating into you at that size..... just trade minis instead


Alarming_Math1254 OP t1_j6or67p wrote

I’m going to set my pride aside, and say you’re right after I just checked how much my monthly commissions totaled.


wiggz420 t1_j6oran1 wrote

you need better entries if you are averaging down that much that's all.