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Nuclearchurch OP t1_j6o08c2 wrote

I’m still trying to understand calls, if I buy them, and they fail do I owe anything?


NotAnAmazonAd t1_j6o0w3z wrote

Yep, youll end up owing half your paycheck the rest of your life because you cant stop wont stop


FATKEDLUVSCAKE t1_j6o0xay wrote

you have a lot to learn grasshopper. Go long something inexpensive like gopro.


Organic-World-4893 t1_j6o4quj wrote

I’m no trading expert but go watch some YouTube videos instead of randomly clicking buttons you don’t understand… you will waste $30 and learn nothing when u could watch someone else on YouTube do it and explain wtf is actually going on


AnbuAntt t1_j6o0rp7 wrote

Maybe wait to trade options friend. Can get you into big trouble.


jr1tn t1_j6o13c9 wrote

You can't get into big trouble buying $30 worth of calls. Worst case, you're out $30. Come on, man.


evilartnboy t1_j6o1dj4 wrote

Search up the graph for option types. Then only stick to buys, the sell option opens you up to infinite loss


Bone_Dancer t1_j6o1qky wrote

No, youre buying the right to buy a stock at a certain price 100 shares at a time, doesnt mean you have to or even make money off the shares, youll just sell the call for more you bought it for and ez pz Now if you sell a put or call, thats when things can get hairy. A put much more so.


WhyAmThisWay t1_j6o40t4 wrote

No, you wouldn’t owe anything but here are tips:

  1. Time is your fren

  2. Closer to the strike is your best bet, but $30 wont get you there.

  3. Set your sell limit as soon as you get a contract, the premium can change fast

  4. You will lose most of the time


chev327fox t1_j6ojcwi wrote

You can only lose what you put in (ie what you pay for the options contracts… so in your case $30).