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NorseTikiBar t1_j9zsat8 wrote

TIL thinking that crime rate is not a good reason for not getting statehood means I'm ACSHULLY "so happy with the current crime rate here."

Let's be honest: one of us is a lot happier about the crime rate here because it lets them troll. And it sure as shit ain't me.


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_ja00ary wrote

The mental gymnastics … If dc had its act together on crime they’d have a much better leg to stand on re: statehood. If you’re denying that, let me know.


NorseTikiBar t1_ja013dl wrote

Sorry, I must have missed that part of the Constitution that said "ACSHULLY ur crime rate has to be super low to be a state." Can you point me to that Article and Section?

Additionally, your (shitty) Google search shows that New Mexico and Louisiana are around 6400 annual crimes per capita. What is the threshold when states have their statehood called into question? Is it 6500? Is it 7000? I'm curious when they should start being worried based off of your logic.