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t1_j9zw6hf wrote

It must be nice to live with your head so far up your ass that you think you can actually make a difference here in the lives of criminals. You can’t. Talk about being mind numbingly stupid. Good job. Can’t wait to see how you fix the city.


t1_j9zws1c wrote

I think the people who study this for a living, and have succeeded elsewhere are correct, while you think everyone who studies this for a living and has succeeded elsewhere is wrong.

Which of us has our heads up our ass?

You want to clutch your pearls, Karen. That's all. That's fine, but recognize that's all you're doing. There are proven strategies to reduce crime, and the one thing you're advocating is proven not to work. Yet you want to do it anyways. Shows how much you want to "fix the city."


t1_j9zylcy wrote

You sound like a delightfully nasty person with so many solutions. Why not outline them for all of us so we can see how you’re going to fix the crime. Instead you pull a 7 year old pamphlet out of your ass and expect that it applies to kids who were 5 years old when it was written. Before a world pandemic. I’m dying laughing at what a moron you have proven yourself to be! 😂


t1_j9zz31f wrote

You're saying the things that have worked in the past wont work in the future, and the things that never worked in the past will work in the future? And I'm the moron?

Jesus christ, crime posts bring out the dumbest fucking people.

If you wanted to be safe, you would be curious about proven solutions. You wouldn't want slapdash bullshit that has never worked.