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OctoberCaddis t1_j91w9ae wrote

Crime is not down. A reading of crime stats with an intended outcome might tell you violent crime is down, but that’s only because carjacking is counted as auto theft in the nonviolent category.

Overall crime is up 20%, according to a Georgetown crime apologist.


TooSwang t1_j91wrmb wrote

Carjacking and motor vehicle theft are separate crimes nimrod, they’re literally broken out separately


OctoberCaddis t1_j97873z wrote


TooSwang t1_j97b7i8 wrote

Carjacking, when someone has their car stolen while they are in it, is a violent crime included under robbery, not a property crime included under motor vehicle theft. This is explained where they say how the terms are defined. For the good of your family and neighbors please learn to read, I worry knowing there are folks like you in the area living in such an illiterate fog.

“(4) The term “crime of violence” means aggravated assault; act of terrorism; arson; assault on a police officer (felony); assault with a dangerous weapon; assault with intent to kill, commit first degree sexual abuse, commit second degree sexual abuse, or commit child sexual abuse; assault with significant bodily injury; assault with intent to commit any other offense; burglary; carjacking; armed carjacking; child sexual abuse; cruelty to children in the first degree; extortion or blackmail accompanied by threats of violence; gang recruitment, participation, or retention by the use or threatened use of force, coercion, or intimidation; kidnapping; malicious disfigurement; manslaughter; manufacture or possession of a weapon of mass destruction; mayhem; murder; robbery; sexual abuse in the first, second, or third degrees; use, dissemination, or detonation of a weapon of mass destruction; or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing offenses.”