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Sufficient-Job-1013 t1_j72p2nt wrote

They are allowed to use drugs in their tents but not in shelters. This isn’t a judgement, I love drugs, but the fact is an overwhelming majority of unhoused people have substance abuse issues and shelters do not allow it. I agree the shelters need to do something to accommodate people and meet them where they are. People also need to be willing to get treatment if substance abuse is a problem that interferes with their ability to participate in society.


[deleted] t1_j72qqoz wrote



FiveDaysLate t1_j750zpb wrote

Commenting to say that I appreciate the discourse between you and those you responded to. Good civic discussion.


Sufficient-Job-1013 t1_j769awc wrote

I don’t think we disagree about much. We both agree unhoused people need more support from governments. I agree it’s problematic to clear the camp away without some kind of alternative placement. But I’d imagine some of those people have declined some services, declined shelters, declined help.

Saying that I want them to die out of sight is very uncharitable and untrue. They are already dying because they live in tents and are often using drugs/alcohol. It’s not safe to live like that and they are less accessible to support services. Pretending that you have the most humane take by letting people live outside year round, well, that’s kinda crazy.

We need to beef up shelter services and make sure they are allowed to get treatment there.

But you can’t live outside in the middle of a city. You are doing so much mental acrobatics to rationalize such. Go to SF and see if you think that’s a sustainable path. It’s not.


BBASPN69 t1_j75ilmh wrote

>Isn't it an enormous struggle to access even for relatively well-off people with support systems?

People forget this.


Semacosm t1_j7ool2a wrote

Yes drugs are easier for homeless people because some of those drugs stop them from being hungry.