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MyTornArsehole t1_j8ddvd2 wrote

"Stop reaching" case closed. What I found funny is Contee trying to plea with the woman driving the red jeep with a rear missing hubcap, "We just want to talk to you to find out what happened"


__main__py t1_j8dgcgo wrote

> The person wasn't armed

> > Police said no weapon has been recovered

Weird how you left out the second half of the sentence: "Police said no weapon has been recovered, though they noted they have not yet found the vehicle"

I'm withholding judgement until there's more information available.


MyTornArsehole t1_j8dh4z8 wrote

I agree with you, the reality is the police said "stop reaching" case closed


truce_m3 t1_j8e5h1c wrote

You're saying it's "case closed" that the man deserved to be shot?


__main__py t1_j8dn5z0 wrote

Oh sorry, I responded to the wrong comment. My bad.


warb17 OP t1_j8dj6kd wrote

sure, if they find a gun in the car and the body cam footage shows that the man pointed the gun at the officer, then i'll revise my opinion.

but there are thousands of cases where police have shot someone with no provocation at all and then lie about it afterwards, so my priors are to assume the man was actually unarmed.


__main__py t1_j8dn1hs wrote

I'd recommend you read the MPD general order around the use of force. Again, once we see the body cam footage we will be able to determine if the victim was actively threatening the officer, the driver of the car, or someone else. Probably best to just withhold judgement until we do.


truce_m3 t1_j8e5d3m wrote

What is reading that general order going to prove?


JohnJohnston t1_j8dsb70 wrote

> then i'll revise my opinion.

Come on now, be honest at least. We both know that won't happen.


warb17 OP t1_j8dsfdx wrote

it certainly would. maybe you're just projecting.


warb17 OP t1_j8diyw3 wrote

it's amazing that you think this is sufficient for a person to be shot.

do you think you deserve to be shot when you go over the speed limit in your car? that's more dangerous and criminal than what this man did.


MyTornArsehole t1_j8dqtzk wrote

No, but tell that to the USADA and a jury. Case closed.


warb17 OP t1_j8dr0cp wrote

then you don't really think this person should've been shot either. you just enjoy feeling more powerful than someone else.