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GraceStrangerThanYou t1_ja9tjil wrote

Nope. We only eat roasted eagles, petroleum and petroleum byproducts, and FREEDOM!!!

Seriously though, we eat everything.


jolygoestoschool t1_ja9sj5m wrote

Yes americans eat vegetables. Most americans do not just eat slices of bread alone. We may eat rolls of bread at dinner though, but usually with butter


kiljuvakirahvi t1_ja9tmfb wrote

I meant the vegetables on the bread :D but yeah ok, haven't realised before that people don't eat bread for snack in every country, since it's a very very basic snack or breakfast or like evening snack? in my country


wickedzeus t1_ja9uve1 wrote

The sliced bread here is generally awful and not really meant to be eaten on its own. That said, most grocery stores will see baguettes or bread baked in their own bakery that are a lot better, there are the fancy dedicated bakeries where you’ll pay like $6+ for a loaf but it’s delicious, comparable to much of the stuff in Europe.

I love eating fresh bread on its own, especially if it’s a little warm, but most people will put something on it, butter etc


jolygoestoschool t1_ja9trfz wrote

I think maybe if you need a “struggle” snack in hard financial times (like for college students) you might just eat bread, but otherwise i dont really think people do it unless they’re really picky eaters


keyjan t1_ja9td9a wrote

I've been known to eat naked bread. And naked vegetables.


kiljuvakirahvi t1_ja9uger wrote

but do u put the naked vegetables on the naked bread? try it it's great XD


keyjan t1_ja9vuql wrote

Actually I'm a vegetarian, so yes, I've definitely put vegetables on bread and eaten it as a sandwich. But I've also just grabbed a slice when I'm hungry.


solidrecommendations t1_ja9tueo wrote

Google next time … it’ll save face


thehappyherbivore t1_ja9ux0j wrote

You’re describing a sandwich? Yes, we eat sandwiches here.


kiljuvakirahvi t1_ja9v8b8 wrote

but isn't sandwich more like two breads with something in between? or not