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CaptainSpeedbird1974 t1_j86wii0 wrote

Proper Bag Etiquette (there's a decent chance I'll get downvoted):

  • Having your bag on your lap is great when you're sitting next to someone, it keeps you in your own space.
  • Having a bag next to you is okay as long as you're prepared to move it so someone can sit there.
  • Don't put your bag between your legs, they invade the space of the person next to you if you do.

staysuperclean t1_j88cywu wrote

I’ll add: if standing on a crowded bus or train, take your backpack off and hold it in front of you.


Yithar t1_j8a3cbc wrote

> Don't put your bag between your legs, they invade the space of the person next to you if you do.

I'd say for a normal sized backpack, you can put it in front of your legs though. My backpack can be heavy so I don't really enjoy putting it in my lap. I'll probably only do so if it's crowded.